We dream Big!

Outdoor Adventure Australia Director Kris Bullen visiting the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania) to see how they approach wildlife rehabilitation and conservation. https://www.bonorong.com.au/

Director Kris Bullen visiting the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary (Tasmania) to see how they approach wildlife rehabilitation and conservation. https://www.bonorong.com.au/


Adventure Tribe and Conservation

One of the main reasons Adventure Tribe was created was not only to reconnect people with nature through adventure but to assist in the conservation of our natural environment.

How we help conservation

Adventure Gift cards

To help people reconnect with our natural environment and to assist in placing value on all of our native culture, flora and fauna, we have created the Trivia Cards. These trivia cards are distributed around Australia by our wonderful associates and ALL profits go towards supporting the conservation groups described below. Groups that prevent the destruction of the environment, groups that care for the fauna that is hurt by human encroachment and groups that help heal the environment that has been damaged. A perfect synergy that we love to be involved with.

Outdoor Adventure Australia Trivia Cards. 25 colour coded cards per unit. Hard case to ensure longevity and a quality look and feel. $6.60 per unit with all profits going to conservation. All images taken by ourselves on tour or our associates. Cust…

Adventure Tribe Trivia Cards. 25 colour coded cards per unit. Hard case to ensure longevity and a quality look and feel. $6.60 per unit with all profits going to conservation. All images taken by ourselves on tour or our associates. Customisable to clients with a minimum purchase amount. Please contact us with all inquiries :)

Wildlife SEQ

The two legends Nicci and Mel from Wildife SEQ visiting Base Camp

The two legends Nicci and Mel from Wildife SEQ visiting Base Camp


We have teamed up with Wildlife SEQ so that rehabilitated native animals have a safe, abundant and natural environment to be released into.

Our Base Camp has a massive diversity of native plants and environments that are perfect for releasing rehabilitated wildlife and we’re more than happy to help with the release process here on the property :)

Our first rehabilitated brush tailed possum relocated on our property. So cute!

Our first rehabilitated brush tailed possum relocated on our property. So cute!

Environmental Defenders Office

Environmental Defenders Office’ mission is to be the leading environmental law practice in the Australia-Pacific region delivering legal solutions for people, nature and our climate.

Trees for Tourism Noosa



Conserving and rebuilding the natural environment is something that we believe in down to our very core. So when Tourism Noosa announced their Trees for Tourism initiative we couldn’t wait to get involved!

This is an amazing investment in our local areas’ natural environment and the resultant value is unquantifiable.

Koala Crusaders

Queensland Koala Crusaders is an Incorporated Association dedicated to improving koala conservation outcomes. Their mission is to be “a voice for the koala”.


As a business we work on offsetting our carbon footprint by supporting The Koala Crusaders who actively plant Koala habitat on the Sunshine Coast and around Queensland.

The group’s formation began with the Sunshine Coast Koala Summit held in August 2012 with the goal of improving koala conservation efforts - both for individuals and as a species. Queensland Koala Crusaders is now actively expanding, to play a role in all koala habitat areas in Queensland.

Our commitment to the environment

We work hard at being as ecologically conscious in as many aspects of our business as possible. This includes;

  • Our activities are predominantly human powered

  • We run a shuttle service to try to reduce the number of vehicles driving people to our activities

  • Food scraps from our tours is used as chicken food

  • When possible our office team work from home to save on emissions and to provide a better work/life balance

  • Participants can offset their carbon footprint at checkout. This goes to our partners Koala Crusaders (https://www.koalacrusaders.org.au/)

  • We work hard to upcycle our retired climbing ropes and sell them in our online shop

  • When preparing food for our tours we recycle all recyclable packaging

  • We source and use as much fresh local produce as possible on our catered tours

  • Kanu Kapers won 2018 and 2019 Best Eco Tour Australia and New Zealand

  • We have partnered with Plastic Free Noosa in an attempt to eliminate all single Use Plastics from our tours

  • We hold Advanced Eco Accreditation

  • No environmentally damaging chemicals are used on our tours or in our business

  • In our construction projects we utilise as much recycled building material as possible and we save off cuts to use in other projects